

The teaist Soshitsu Sen XV wrote in his book ‘Tea Life, Tea Mind’:

“our spirit should flow through life like the wind that flows through all of nature.”

Always in motion and at the same time approaches a sublime state of tranquillity, that’s an aesthetic concept unique to tea.

When I holding a tea bowl, I open my hands and my heart, and for a moment I feel a little rest through the chaos around me and in me.

Today I’ve brewed a Nepalese green tea, Mao Feng: a tender green cup of tea, where the sun is reflected and where I detect a subtle earthy taste.

Years ago when I travelled through Nepal, my knowledge about tea was limited to a few teas in bags. Nowadays I travel through the flavours of many real teas and each time the taste brings me a little closer to the world and to myself.

It feels like it is just the beginning.
 Photo’s and teabowl: Iris Weichler